+1-206-309-7575 [email protected]
The Trademark Filing Company partners with Principle Law of Denver, Colorado to offer trademark clearance legal opinions and to provide professional trademark filing services from licensed U.S. trademark attorneys.
Founded by attorney and entrepreneur Nathan Lawrence, Principle Law provides solutions for innovative small businesses, startups, and enterprises. Principle Law helps entrepreneurs use the law as a tool to realize their goals, with a focus on trademark law, intellectual property protection, and licensing.
“It was a breath of fresh air to work with Nathan. It was a collaborative relationship all the way through, in the best way possible. He delivered for us big time, and on time.” – Will
After earning his undergraduate degree at the University of Colorado, Nathan worked in industry for eight years and started his first successful business, Explore Fitness®, which is still in operation today. Proceeds from the sale of his business enabled him to return to the University of Colorado to earn his Juris Doctor. There, he won awards for his work with the Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Policy, and Technology and earned a coveted spot on the legal team of the global startup accelerator and venture capital investment vehicle Techstars where he worked with dozens of promising tech startups.
“Nathan helped my organization out of a tight spot. We had encountered some confusing questions and Nathan not only helped us to understand our leverage points, but also wrote a highly detailed memo to our Board of Directors that allowed them to understand it as well.” – Howie
Principle Law provides services range from helping new entrepreneurs form their first enterprises and file their first trademarks to negotiating and closing acquisition transactions valued in excess of $10,000,000.00. Principle Law clients include services businesses, real estate professionals, tech startups, construction and engineering firms, and many others.
“I never felt like I asked a stupid question; I truly felt like I gained knowledge about the process and the documents so I could speak to them with my clients.” – Nicole
Contact Principle Law with your questions today!
TTFC (A Brand of Sagacious IP or Sagacious Research). All rights reserved. (C) 2016-2024