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Delivering enterprise-level results at prices that are affordable for startups and small businesses.
The Trademark Filing Company uses advanced algorithms and human powered techniques to efficiently locate and sort data. This data is passed on to licensed attorneys for legal analysis, giving you the greatest odds at registration success. Let our experts get to work for you today.
Founded by attorney Nathan Lawrence, Principle Law provides trademark solutions for innovative small businesses and startups. Before entering the practice of law, Nathan was an entrepreneur in Denver, Colorado, and used a successful exit to fund his legal education. Nathan formed the legal prowess that is the foundation of Principle Law while working in-house at Techstars, the world’s largest startup accelerator, and at the Silicons Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Principle Law is founded on the experiences of business owners in interacting with the legal system and is focused on the goal of helping entrepreneurs use the law as a tool to realize their goals.
TTFC (A Brand of Sagacious IP or Sagacious Research). All rights reserved. (C) 2016-2024