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We rely on the The Trademark Filing Company to handle all of our trademark matters. They have been timely, informative, and professional. Most importantly, they always take the time to explain our options.
Steve Greig, Wolfgang2242® Productions
My company and I were very grateful to have the Trademark Filing Company represent us for our trademark filing. We had multiple trademarks registered. It was easy, thorough, and we were informed every step of the way.
Cole Stengel, Always Beautiful® Medspa
They are great! They helped us select a legally defensible brand name. They were quick, helpful, affordable, and provided us with exceptional service. We will be using them again!
Cassidy Robinson, C&D Robinson Associates, LLC
It was a pleasure working with T for the trademark filing for my company. I have had several trademark applications filed with T, the application was simple, easy, and he acted as a consummate professional during the process. I would highly recommend T for trademark filing services.
Justin Biel, Prophet & Poet LLC
TTFC (A Brand of Sagacious IP or Sagacious Research). All rights reserved. (C) 2016-2024