• Please enter the email address at which you would like to receive email relating to the application. NOTE THAT ALL OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE SENT TO PRINCIPLE LAW AS THE ATTORNEY OF RECORD. Please be aware that you may receive advertisements purporting to be official correspondence as a result of submitting a trademark application to the USPTO
  • Applicant Information

    In this section we will collect information about the trademark applicant as is required by the
  • Please include the full legal name of the entity or individual owner(s) of the mark.
  • Mark only one oval.
  • If Applicant is an entity rather than an individual, please indicate the jurisdiction of organization/incorporation of the entity
  • Please enter the physical address at which you would like to receive mail relating to the application. NOTE THAT ALL OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE SENT TO PRINCIPLE LAW AS THE ATTORNEY OF RECORD. Please be aware that you may receive advertisements purporting to be official correspondence.
  • Please enter the address of the owner’s principle place of business if owned by a entity or the primary residence of the owner if owned by an individual. The domicile address will not be made public record.
  • Please enter the address of the owner’s website or other websites showing the applied-for mark in use, if available.
  • Please enter your phone number, area code first.
  • Mark Information

    In this Section we will collect information about the mark you plan to register with the USPTO
  • Please indicate whether this application is for: Mark only one oval.