Quick-Search & File


+ $350 Filing Fee*


Quick-Search & File

With an Identity Search + Attorney-Assisted Filing:

  • Exact matches to your mark registered with the USPTO will be identified;
  • Your application will be submitted correctly and in accordance with USPTO rules, potentially saving you valuable time and reapplication fees; and
  • Our application will be professionally monitored, and you will not miss any additional filings or responses required by the USPTO.

An Identity Search + Attorney Assisted Filing is appropriate for those who have an abstract trademark such that only an exact match would be in conflict with their trademark, who do not plan to invest heavily in their trademark, and who have a simple and easily described product or service offering.

*Consists of the government discounted TEAS Standard electronic filing fee of $350. If the stricter “TEAS Plus” system can be used for your application, The Trademark Filing Company will use this system. The TEAS Plus system streamlines the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) review process and has a lower filing fee of $250, but requires additional labor to process. If we are able to use the TEAS Plus system for your application, The Trademark Filing Company will still charge $350, of which $250 will be allocated to the USPTO fee and $100 to The Trademark Filing Company processing fee. The USPTO may later charge a $100 fee should you choose not to communicate with them electronically or otherwise meet the requirements of the discounted TEAS Standard or TEAS Plus filing fees.