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Obtaining a trademark clearance opinion from a licensed US trademark attorney is a critical to managing costs and risks of adopting a trademark.
Willful trademark infringement can subject you to triple damages in a lawsuit. Further, use of a trademark that is considered “counterfeit” can result in criminal charges.
Get peace of mind today. A trademark clearance opinion from a US trademark attorney can be legally relied on to show that your use of a trademark is lawful or prevent costly and damaging civil or criminal litigation.
The Trademark Filing Company partners with Principle Law to ensure you receive expert legal guidance from a licensed US Trademark Attorney. Principle Law offers businesses premium, no-fuss business legal support and intellectual property protection with an emphasis on trademarks.
To learn more about Principle Law and US trademark attorney Nathan Lawrence,
TTFC (A Brand of Sagacious IP or Sagacious Research). All rights reserved. (C) 2016-2024