Safeguard Your Business. Register Your Trademark & Monitor It

Claim your trademark before someone else does

Responding to Non-substantive OAs
Filing Only
Attorney-Assisted Filing
Attorney Filing
Search, Analysis and Filing
Identity Search + Attorney-Assisted Filing
Identity Search + Attorney Filing
Comprehensive Search + Attorney Filing
Identity Search
Comprehensive Search
Attorney-Assisted Filing
Attorney Filing
Responding to Non-substantive OAs
Filing Only
Attorney-Assisted Filing
Attorney Filing
Search, Analysis and Filing
Identity Search + Attorney-Assisted Filing
Identity Search + Attorney Filing
Comprehensive Search + Attorney Filing
Filing Only
Attorney-Assisted Filing
Attorney Filing
Search, Analysis and Filing
Identity Search + Attorney-Assisted Filing
Identity Search + Attorney Filing
Comprehensive Search + Attorney Filing

Proof of ownership

Advantages in court

Nationwide coverage

Ready to claim your desired trademark?

Why monitor your trademark?

Copycats can confuse customers and damage your brand

Enforcement is your responsibility, not the USPTO's

Stay alert so you can act quickly

Own your registered trademark and ready to protect it?

What we’re all about

Protecting your business identity from copycats

You can’t afford to worry about your trademark 24/7, so let us keep an eye on copycats for you.

Gold-standard trademark data

You can’t afford to worry about your trademark 24/7, so let us keep an eye on copycats for you.

Serious trademark expertise

You can’t afford to worry about your trademark 24/7, so let us keep an eye on copycats for you.

Need a little trademark education?

90% of divorces can be mediated, even in high conflict cases. Some individuals feel better having an attorney on stand by while they are going through the mediation process, this is where attorney assisted mediation can be extremely beneficial.