Online Trademark Filing: Know How to Do it?

Be it Offline or Online Trademark filing, it helps you obtain a unique identity in the form of a Trademark, to distinguish your product from others. A Trademark can be any word, phrase, logo, sound, etc. However, you must register it first in order to seek the advantages. Moreover, now it is easier to file […]
Trademark Filing: A Step by Step Process

Trademark refers to any word, phrase, or symbol that identifies or distinguishes the product from other manufacturers. Thus, Trademark Filing helps the customer to identify the product and its manufacturer. Moreover, the Trademark provides a brand name to a company. So, you must provide proper protection to the trademark to avoid any sort of misuse. […]
Trademark Filing Fees: A Quick Overview

Trademark filing fees are an initial investment that protects your intellectual rights over your Trademark against any Infringement. The general range of Trademark filing fees is from 225$ to 400$. Also, it depends on the class of the goods/services mentioned in the application form. Also Read: Online Trademark Filing: Know How to do it? Trademark […]
Trademark Filing Basis: Things to know

A trademark filing basis defines the factors with respect to which you file a Trademark application. It is necessary to define the filing basis while filing for a Trademark to clarify the motive of the Trademark. Moreover, there are different requirements for every Trademark filing basis and you must follow those requirements to pursue the […]